3 things about sequencing that will make a difference to your home practice

3 things about sequencing that will make a difference to your home practice

I want to share with you 4 things about sequencing that will make a difference to your home practice

I want to tell you not just how to create a sequence but a sequence you actually want to follow, that you can’t wait to do, that makes you sweat and has an impact on the rest of your day.

Let's start at the very beginning (i hope you just sang that as Julie Andrews does in Sound of Music)

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How to mix up your approach to practice so it's not repetitive and stale

How to mix up your approach to practice so it's not repetitive and stale

There are some poses we know very well and we say for example’ ‘i know trikonasana’ and every time we practice it we do it the same way, with the same actions and we just practice it to practice it rather than I learn something new.

I challenge you to approach your ‘regular’ asana from a different angle, do them a different way, with a different focus and see what you might learn about yourself, your habit and tendencies in your practice and perhaps also in your life.

Watch this video for example on how to approach your practice.

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