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Need = Benefit = Motivation

Before we even get on the mat our thoughts are often something like…

‘I have to practice’,

‘I am so stiff and should practice my yoga’ or

‘If I don’t practice I’ll never improve’

This kind of thinking sounds like a parent trying to make a child do their homework or clean their room.

Where is the benefit, the reward, and the motivation?

Today I want to share with you the most simple and effective way to get motivated to practice that will meet deep needs and help you tap into yourself even before you have got on the mat.

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I first have a confession to make. I have said something along these lines to myself many times. ‘I have to practice’ followed by a whip-cracking sound.

Remove the ‘have to’ from the sentence and replace it with ‘want to’ and already you will be a few inches closer to getting on the mat.

But I’m not done yet!

Here is my 2 part strategy to help you identify why you want to practice, understand how it is going to meet a deep need, and instantly feel motivated to practice.

  1. How do you feel after your practice? List out how you feel after you do yoga. I am guessing you might have some of the following words on your list. Relaxed, Energised, Balanced, Physically Strong, Mentally Clear, Agile etc

  2. Each of the feelings is linking directly to the need you have. Let me explain. If you feel relaxed after yoga that is because you have a need to unwind. If you feel strong in your body, that is because you have a need for muscular connectivity in your body.

When we connect to why we are doing yoga, what we hope to gain from it (the benefits) and how we feel after we practice it is much easier to get on the mat and practice compared to whipping ourselves with ‘haves’ and ‘shoulds’

Discipline does not have to be a dirty word, find your discipline through a deep desire for wellbeing.

If you want to dive deeper into this A = B = C strategy. I step you through in detail in this video.

