5 Tips to a Consistent Iyengar Yoga Practice
I want to share with you 5 Tips for creating a consistent Iyengar yoga practice that you love.
Stay motivated
Constantly be excited about what you are working on
Have some goals or asana that you are working towards
Practice poses that you enjoy as well as ones that challenge you
Look for inspiration outside
A community is good for getting ideas and staying inspired
Books or video led practices
Attend classes with different teachers
Ask yourself “What’s holding you back” or “What’s your biggest challenge”
We need to know what the problem is before we can fix it.
If making time is your biggest challenge, come up with lots of ideas to overcome it. For example, wake up earlier, plan a shorter practice, put the tv on so the kids don’t bother you, start work later, do it in your lunch break
There are so many solutions… think outside the box.
A Plan will make your time on the mat more efficient & satisfying
Know what you are going to do before you step onto the mat
Create your own sequence, follow a sequence in a book, follow a video led practice
Schedule in when you will practice and for how long
This is the nature of the 21st Century, everything must be booked ahead of time
Our lives are too busy to fly by the seat of your pants
Mark in your diary what time you will practice and for how long… daily
Want more details about my tips around consistency? Watch the video below!
And if you still need more help start a 14 Day Free Trial on the Yogabranches Membership. Find out more here.